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In the framework of the 2014-2020 EU Programme for education, training, youth and sport, mobility actions at EU MEDITERRANI will be based on inter-institutional agreements with higher education institutions (Universities, Polytechnic Institutes) with an educational offer similar or complementary to our academic programme. Our aim is to provide our students and staff with the opportunity of enriching and strengthening knowledge and competences in the fields of Tourism and Marketing in a plural and international context.

EU MEDITERRANI will promote agreements with long-term cooperation institutions. We will continue to develop our strategy to broaden our geographic influence area of cooperation at the European Union by actively searching new collaboration agreements.

EU MEDITERRANI will also encourage association with industry and commerce in an international level to guarantee that students and staff can add a European working experience to their personal curriculum and to promote knowledge transfer between academic and business sectors.

Academic partners of EU MEDITERRANI are mostly HEI’s from European countries (both EU members and non-EU). The contacts are based on framework bilateral agreements as well as the Erasmus programme agreements. EU MEDITERRANI holds also partnership with HEI’s from other parts of the world, South America, through the means of framework agreements on teaching and research cooperation.

Objectives of the mobility actions at EU MEDITERRANI :

. EU MEDITERRANI will make mobility and cooperation the central elements of its international policy. Our institution will promote lecturers and students mobility to favour their academic training and to increase their knowledge in the different disciplines available: Tourism and Marketing.

. According to the principles of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education, our institution will work towards achieving the objectives of the European Union’s modernization and internationalization agenda in higher education.

. To promote the development of study programmes instructed in foreign languages. The present offer comprises interdisciplinary modules and course modules for foreign students on a 1- or 2- semester mobility.

. To develop the student placement system, whether for fields of study with obligatory placement, or the remaining fields of study.

. To increase the teaching staff mobility through maintaining the existing educational cooperation, and develop new contacts, which includes cooperation in the scope of organization of joint courses for international participants, and, if possible, joint/double degrees. EU MEDITERRANI will encourage staff’s mobility for academic and training activities at other institutions and organizations (public and private) at the European Union or/and third countries. International staff mobility at EU MEDITERRANI will be an integral part of its modernization process and the way to improve staff preparation according to their professional development needs.  

. To learn from the experience gained by the participation in the Erasmus programme to date, as well as other educational programmes, and to maintain the existing good practice in implementing guidelines for international cooperation. The range of tasks related to international programmes includes: the constant improvement of rules and procedures of recruitment, monitoring the quality of instruction the student receives abroad, recognition of study outcomes achieved at partner universities, integration of incoming students through the system of mentors and the orientation programme, integration of incoming teachers into the UL study curricula, maintaining international contacts in the scope of mobility, and managing the programmes at the University.

. To make use of international cooperation in the Erasmus programme to date as a basis for joint educational programmes, as well as for joint science and research projects.


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